Serial Social Entrepreneur | Change maker | Creative Thinker | Musician | Founder Evolve Foundation | Co-Founder Kisanwindow
If you’re not having fun with what you’re doing then you’re doing it wrong
Always learning
2017 - Present
Kisan Window
Co-founder of a fair trade organic food brand that has tie ups with International business in UAE and Europe.
2016 - Present
Evolve Foundation
Founder and President of a social enterprise that believes in creating smart sustainable Indian rural villages and developed a Plantable Stationery cottage industry. It also promotes ecotourism.
2015 - Present
Dehradun Drum Circle
Founder and facilitator of a community of people who stand for self-expression through music, dance, photography and a discrimination free society.
2016 - 2017
World Economic Forum-Global Shaper Community
Undertaken projects on psychological and behavioral improvement of inmates at Dehradun district jail. Being a Shaper enhanced me to create local impact with a global outlook.
About Me
I believe that one person can make a difference. And I trust, my one small act will lead to a better world. As a social entrepreneur, I work towards achieving social equality and development of the society.