Evolving villages to eradicate poverty
Evolving villages to eradicate poverty
According to the 2011 census of India, there are more than 6 lakh villages in the country. Poverty is one of the issues faced by the nation as well. Sustainable Development Goal 1 by the UN is ‘eradicating poverty for all people everywhere’. ‘Evolve’ is one such enterprise that plans on achieving the goal through small ways.
In a hope to earn more for a living, many people from rural villages move to metropolitan areas and cities in search of work. However, not everyone gets to fulfil their desires. Instead, most of them end up with petty jobs. The expenses to stay in a city is also high making them stay in a poor state. This leads them living in an unhealthy situation and away from home as well.
“Poverty is lack of ability and not lack of resources.”
– Nupur Agarwal, founder

Life in villages is simple. People have spacious houses if not big, land for agriculture and a small community. Travelling to cities not only reduces the standard of living of the rural people, but it also does not bring any growth to the village itself. Evolve Foundation believes that these villages are self-sufficient and people can live a good life. Therefore, it aims to build sustainable villages in Uttarakhand.
Evolve uplifts a whole rural family by making them a part of their community. It buys seeds from them, provides employment for making the plantable stationery and also gives the farmer recognization for their work by mentioning the name in each product that is sold. Evolve is working on a community level that will surely add up to a better future for a bigger society.